How to Buy Exchange Croatian Driving Licence

European Union

( 19/01/2013 )

Driving licence exchange in Croatia

If you are planning on obtaining a Croatian driving licence we would be glad to help! However, doing it yourself may also be an option if you are already in Croatia and have a driving licence thats valid for exchange there. If you do not then please contact us as we may be able to help you obtain a driving licence from another country that can be used or exchanged in Croatia. Here is some information regarding Croatian driving licences and exchange procedures to get you started.



Validity of a motor vehicle driving licence in Croatia

  • Instructions on the procedures: Issuing driving licenses
  • Issuance of driver's license (first time)
  • Replacing the driving license of a Member State of the European Economic Area
  • Replacing the foreign driver's license (license issued in a country which is not a member of the European Economic Area)
  • Replacement of lost or stolen driver's license issued in the Republic of Croatia and the Member State of the European Economic Area
  • Extension of validity of the driving license (renewal)
  • important Information

Issuance of driver's license (first time)

The request for the issuance of driving licenses shall be submitted to the police department or police station.

The application form for the issuance of driver's license lists the clerk at the counter, and the applicant shall sign the form confirming the accuracy of printed information

The applicant submits the following:

  • a certificate of passing the driving test
  • certificate of medical fitness to drive - not older than six months
  • one photo size 30x35 mm
  • 35 kuna in stamp
  • proof of payment of 151 kuna (regular procedure), 200 kuna (accelerated procedure), or 450 kuna (urgent procedure) to form a driving license via bank transfer, which is raised in the police department or station, slip or via internet banking, the IBAN of the state budget HR1210010051863000160, model HR65, reference number 7005-477-OIB.

NOTE: It is not necessary to attach a photo if the applicant in the past five years issued electronic document or identity card containing OIB, for which the issuance of a photograph, a person's appearance is not significantly changed. In addition to e-driving license, electronic documents and the e-passport and e-ID card. Identity card with OIB-om the issuing of 06/08/2013. until 06.08.2015. year when it began issuing e-ID card.

Replacing the driving license of a Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA)

The request for the issuance of driving licenses shall be submitted to the police department or police station.

The application form for the issuance of driver's license lists the clerk at the counter, and the applicant shall sign the form confirming the accuracy of printed information.

The applicant submits the following:

  • a driver's license issued in the Member State of the EEA
  • one photo size 30x35 mm
  • 35 kuna in stamp
  • proof of payment of 151 kuna (regular procedure), 200 kuna (accelerated procedure), or 450 kuna (urgent procedure) to form a driving license via bank transfer, which is raised in the police administration or station, slip or via internet banking, the IBAN State budget HR1210010051863000160, model HR65, reference number 7005-477-OIB.

If the license issued in the Member State of the EEA is not entered the date of first issue of each category, the applicant shall submit a certificate and the competent authority of the Member State of the EEA on the date of first issue of each category. If the certificate is not presented, as the date of first issue of each category shall contain the date of issue of driving license in the Member State of the EEA, which is the date of issue of driving license in the Republic of Croatia if the driver's license issued in the Member State of the EEA is not entered the date of issue.

NOTE: It is not necessary to attach a photo if the applicant in the past five years issued electronic document or identity card containing OIB, for which the issuance of a photograph, a person's appearance is not significantly changed. In addition to e-driving license, electronic documents and the e-passport and e-ID card. Identity card with OIB-om the issuing of 06/08/2013. godine do 8.6.2015. until 06.08.2015. year when it began issuing e-ID card.

Replacing the foreign driver's license (license issued in a country which is not a member of the European Economic Area)

The request for the issuance of driving licenses shall be submitted to the police department or police station.

The application form for the issuance of driver's license lists the clerk at the counter, and the applicant shall sign the form confirming the accuracy of printed information.

The applicant submits the following:

  • foreign driver's license
  • translation of the foreign driver's license, if you are from a foreign driver's license can not be concluded that the category could be replaced and whether it is worth, or whether she went validity period of more than six months
  • certificate of medical fitness to drive - not older than six months
  • one photo size 30x35 mm
  • 70 kuna in stamp
  • proof of payment of 151 kuna (regular procedure), 200 kuna (accelerated procedure), or 450 kuna (urgent procedure) to form a driving license via bank transfer, which is raised in the police administration or station, slip or via internet banking, the IBAN State budget HR1210010051863000160, model HR65, reference number 7005-477-OIB.

If the foreign driver's license is not written date of first issue of each category, along with the application is accompanied by a certificate of the competent foreign authority of the date of first issue of each category. If the certificate is not presented, as the date of first issue of each category shall contain the date of issue of foreign driver's license, which is the date of issue of driving license in the Republic of Croatia if the foreign driver's license is not written date of issue.

NOTE: It is not necessary to attach a photo if the applicant in the past five years issued electronic document or identity card containing OIB, for which the issuance of a photograph, a person's appearance is not significantly changed. In addition to e-driving license, electronic documents and the e-passport and e-ID card. Identity card with OIB-om the issuing of 08.06.2013. until 08.06.2015. year when it began issuing e-ID card.

Replacement of lost or stolen driver's license issued in the Republic of Croatia and the Member State of the European Economic Area

The disappearance of a driving license applies to, without delay, the police administration / police station in whose territory the driving license disappeared, and the police department or police station that it is registered.

The request for the issuance of driving licenses shall be submitted to the police department or police station.

The application form for the issuance of driver's license lists the clerk at the counter, and the applicant shall sign the form confirming the accuracy of printed information.

The applicant submits the following:

  • If the original driver's license issued in the Member State of the EEA, the proof of the competent authority of the country which issued the original license that the person was issued a driver's license
  • one photo size 30x35 mm
  • 50 kuna in stamp
  • proof of payment of 151 kuna (regular procedure), 200 kuna ((accelerated procedure), or 450 kuna (urgent procedure) to form a driving license via bank transfer, which is raised in the police administration or station, slip or via internet banking, the IBAN state budget HR1210010051863000160, model HR65, reference number 7005-477-OIB.

NOTE: It is not necessary to attach a photo if the applicant in the past five years issued electronic document or identity card containing OIB, for which the issuance of a photograph, a person's appearance is not significantly changed. In addition to e-driving license, electronic documents and the e-passport and e-ID card. Identity card with OIB-om the issuing of 08.06.2013. until 08.06.2015. year when it began issuing e-ID card.

The driver is required without delay to the competent authority to report finding a driver's license.

Extension of validity of the driving license (renewal)

The request for the issuance of driving licenses shall be submitted to the police department or police station.

The application form for the issuance of driver's license lists the clerk at the counter, and the applicant shall sign the form confirming the accuracy of printed information.

The applicant submits the following:

  • driver's license
  • health certificate for the vehicle category C1, C, D1, D, C1E, CE, D1E, DE, H, and B category when driving a car for professional purposes, if a driving license which has expired were issued in the short term in order to the need for more frequent medical checks or other specific measures - not older than three months
  • one photo size 30x35 mm
  • 35 kuna in stamp
  • proof of payment of 151 kuna (regular procedure), 200 kuna (accelerated procedure), or 450 kuna (urgent procedure) to form a driving license via bank transfer, which is raised in the police administration or station, slip or via internet banking, the IBAN State budget HR1210010051863000160, model HR65, reference number 7005-477-OIB.

NOTE: It is not necessary to attach a photo if the applicant in the past five years issued electronic document or identity card containing OIB, for which the issuance of a photograph, a person's appearance is not significantly changed. In addition to e-driving license, electronic documents and the e-passport and e-ID card. Osobna iskaznica s OIB-om se izdavala od 8.6.2013. Identity card with OIB-om the issuing of 06/08/2013. godine do 8.6.2015. until 06.08.2015. . year when it began issuing e-ID card.

important Information

If the person who is issued a driver's license issued certificate of medical fitness to drive, provided that during the drive used glasses or goggles with anti-reflective coating or covering of the eye, with the application shall be accompanied by a photograph showing the person photographed with glasses or safety glasses with anti-reflective coating or a covering for the eye.

The request for the issuance of driving licenses may be submitted by a Croatian national who was on Croatian territory inhabited and has a permanent residence, Croatian citizen in Croatia temporarily resides and has a registered place of residence for at least 185 days, a national of an EEA who on Croatian territory her habitual residence or who are on the Croatian territory and educated foreigner who on Croatian territory stays for at least 185 days in a calendar year and has granted temporary or permanent residence.

The police administration or station shall issue a certificate of the submitted application for issuing driving licenses. The certificate is valid for the vehicle traffic 30 days of applying for a driver's license, and the applicant is required to return it to the competent authority during the presentation of a driver's license.

Driving license is issued not later than 30 days from the date of application for the issuance of driving licenses in regular procedure. The accelerated procedure driving license is issued within three working days, and in urgent procedure within 24 hours of applying for a driver's license.

Driver's license, made in a regular procedure the driver handed police department or police station where the application for a driver's license. Driver's license, made in an accelerated procedure driver handed police department in which the application was lodged, that is, which is part of the police station where the application was lodged, a driver's license, made in an expedited procedure the driver delivers the Zagreb Police Department. If the driver does not take driver's license in the next 90 days of the expiry of the deadline prescribed for making driver's license, the competent authority shall cancel the license.

Code 95 is the driver's license is recorded solely on the basis of the certificate on the initial qualification and periodic training (CSF), and not on the basis of certificates of acquired high qualifications in the occupation driver. Code 95 is entered to drive C1, C, D1, D, C1E, CE, D1E and DE categories. Procedures regarding obtaining CSF on the initial qualification and periodic training, prescribed by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure.

Driving licenses issued before 1 July 2013 are valid until the expiration of the period for which they were issued, but no later than 19 January 2033.

paragraph 1 of the Misdemeanour Act ( "Official Gazette", No. 39/13 and 157/13), which entered into force on 1 January 2014, is the proper withholding the issuance of driver's license or the extension of its validity and the denial of registration of a motor vehicle or extension of the registration of a motor vehicle by a person within the decision on misdemeanor does not pay a final sentence of a fine.

For the implementation of these provisions, the Ministry of Justice established a register of unpaid conducted for convicts whose final decision on the misdemeanor misdemeanor court or other misdemeanor body for an offense under the law imposed some of the prescribed misdemeanor sanctions or confiscation orders and that, within the decision misdemeanor did not pay a final sentence of a fine.

Citizens and legal persons which is deprived of a specified right, because they are in the register of unpaid fines in accordance with the Misdemeanour Act, may in police stations or police stations to get all the information needed for payment of the fine imposed.

Registration and deletion of data from the Register of unpaid under the jurisdiction of the Ministarstva pravosuđa . Ministry of Justice.



Physical description Size 53.98 × 85.60 mm Format ID-1 Material Polycarbonate Colour Classified information Distinctive features Classified information Categories Category Period of validity AM, A1, A2, A, B, BE 10 years C1, C1E, C, CE, D1, D1E, D, DE 5 years National categories National category Description of national category F Tractors with or without trailers G Heavy equipment H Trams Codes National codes Description 100 Holder cannot operate vehicles with power exceeding 80 kw. Young drivers are not allowed to operate vehicles on the road at a speed over 80 km/h on a fast road, over 100 km/h on a road intended exclusively for motor vehicles, or over 120 km/h on a motorway. 101 Restricted use of categories C, CE, D and DE 102 For persons who have only a category F or G licence Professional drivers Certificate of professional competence is issued YES Code 95 is marked on the driving licence YES

Country Information:

  • Direct Exchange
    + Countries
  • Valid for

Country Notes:

An excellent driving licence to have, can be exchanged in any European Union country and a willingness to accept any countries driving licence that is a party to the Convention on Road Traffic and meeting the requirements of Annex 6 to that Convention

Countries Examined
Regional Agents
Licences Procured